Leading Aluminum Ceiling System Manufacturer since 1996
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Metal Buffle Tavan İstehsalçısı - PRANCE

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Aluminum Ceiling Integral Solutions
We provide custom solutions for both interior and exterior systems, tailoring our designs to each client's unique needs.
Aluminum Facade Manufacturer
Integral Solutions, Customized for You
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Professional Metal Buffle Tavan İstehsalçısı

PRANCE Ceiling is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the field of metal ceiling and aluminum curtain wall system, integrating R&D, production, sales and technical services.

PRANCE Ceiling Company mainly produces metal ceiling, aluminum veneer, aluminum curtain wall series products, as well as supporting decorative products, vents, light strips, blinds, keels and related accessories.

Products are widely used in domestic and foreign airports, high-speed rail (subway) stations, hospitals, schools, venues, complexes, public buildings, hotels, office buildings, commerce and other fields.

Square Meters of Production
Standard aluminium ceiling systems produced annually at our expansive 36,000 sqm digital facility.
Custom Aluminium Panels
Monthly production of custom aluminum solid panels, leveraging advanced manufacturing processes.
Professional Team
PRANCE metal ceiling manufacturer takes pride in our ability to consistently produce high-quality metal ceiling systems products. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in every aspect of our manufacturing process.
Production Equipment
With two large workshops including 4 powder coating lines and over 100 modern equipment.
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Müxtəlif ehtiyaclarınızı qarşılamaq

Heyrətləndirici strukturların arxasında duran ustalar olaraq, memarlıq mühəndisləri dəqiqlik, dəqiqlik və səmərəlilik tələb edir. Memarların etibarlı tərəfdaşı kimi, Prance dəqiqliyə, dəqiqliyə və səmərəliliyə sadiqdir ki, siz cəsarətli baxışlarınıza nail olmaq üçün alüminiumun imkanlarından tam istifadə edə biləsiniz. Biz sizin ehtiyaclarınıza uyğun olan inteqral həllər təklif etməyə sadiqik.

● Texniki Proqram

● 1:1 Model

● Çətinlik

● Layihə İdarəetmə Qrupu
Mühəndislərimiz istehsalın mümkünlüyü üçün dəyişikliklər təklif edərkən orijinal dizayn konsepsiyasını saxlamağı hədəfləyir. Mürəkkəb dizaynlar üçün, kəskin detallar üçün lazer oyma və çoxölçülü cəlbedicilik üçün 3D modelləşdirmədən istifadə edirik. Yüksək keyfiyyətli fərdiləşdirilmiş alüminium panellərimiz memarlıq baxışlarınızı tam şəkildə yüksəltmək üçün çox yönlü metaldan istifadə etməyə imkan verir.

● Rəsm Dizayn Xidmətləri

● Fərdi Finişlər

● 3D Yüksəklik Skanı

● Təxminən 100% Dizayn Replikasiyası
Ticarət obyektləri üçün yüksək miqyaslı memarlıq həlləri üzrə ixtisaslaşan PRANCE, böyük bina sahiblərinin mürəkkəb tələblərini ödəmək üçün hazırlanmış alüminium tavan və fasad sistemlərini təklif edir. Məhsullarımız gücləndirilmiş səs udma, izolyasiya, yanğına davamlılıq və sərt hava şəraitinə davamlılıq təmin edərək onları müasir kommersiya strukturları üçün ideal hala gətirir.

● Effektiv ● Saxlanması asan

● Əla Performans

● Üstün Səthi Finişlər
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About PRANCE Metalwork Building Material Co.,Ltd
PRANCE Ceiling is a modern manufacturer of metal ceiling and aluminium facade systems.
PRANCE Aluminium Ceiling System Manufacturer
PRANCE established in 2002, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in metal ceiling and facade systems.
The strength of PRANCE aluminum ceiling manufacturers lies in our design capabilities in the field of metalwork, which are custom-tailored to meet the specific requirements of clients from different countries.
PRANCE aluminium ceiling supplier has a modern manufacturing facility that spans 40,000㎡ with two large workshops including 4 powder coating lines and over 100 modern equipments.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and experienced technical team enable us to deliver high-quality aluminum ceiling system products efficiently and cost-effectively.
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About PRANCE Metalwork Building Material Co.,Ltd
PRANCE Ceiling is a modern manufacturer of metal ceiling and aluminium facade systems.
PRANCE Aluminium Ceiling System Manufacturer
Rich industry experience
PRANCE established in 2002, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in metal ceiling and facade systems.
Customized for you
The strength of PRANCE aluminum ceiling manufacturers lies in our design capabilities in the field of metalwork, which are custom-tailored to meet the specific requirements of clients from different countries.
Strong production capacity
PRANCE aluminium ceiling supplier has a modern manufacturing facility that spans 40,000㎡ with two large workshops including 4 powder coating lines and over 100 modern equipments.
Hight quality control
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and experienced technical team enable us to deliver high-quality aluminum ceiling system products efficiently and cost-effectively.
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Biz Sizə Nə Təqdim edirik? 

PRANCE alüminium tavan tədarükçüsü müştərilərimizə ilkin konsepsiyalardan tam açar təslim həllərə qədər tam çeşidli dizayn xidmətləri təklif edir. İstər xüsusi məhsula, istərsə də tam alüminium tavan sisteminə ehtiyacınız olmasından asılı olmayaraq, məqsədlərinizə çatmağınıza kömək edəcək təcrübə və resurslarımız var. Mükəmməlliyə və müştəri məmnuniyyətinə sadiqliyimiz sarsılmazdır.

Alüminium tavan layihəsi
Alüminium Üzlük & Fasad
Alüminium Akustik Tavan
Daxili Dekorativ Panel
Alüminium Kompozit Panel
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Why Choose PRANCE?
Leading Aluminum Ceiling and Facade Manufacturer Since 1996
Founded in 1996, PRANCE has over 25 years of experience in manufacturing metal ceiling and facade systems. Our long-standing presence in the industry demonstrates our commitment to quality and innovation.
Our modern facility spans 40,000㎡ and includes advanced technology such as 4 powder coating lines and over 100 pieces of equipment, ensuring high efficiency and product quality.
PRANCE offers tailored design services and architectural solutions, ensuring that we meet specific project needs. Our skilled team collaborates closely with clients to achieve their visions.
We have obtained multiple certifications, including CE, ICC, ISO 9001, and SGS, ensuring our products meet international standards for quality and environmental sustainability. Icon Suggestion: A certificate or badge symbolizing quality and compliance.
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Architectural Ceiling Solutions
We offer our clients a full range of design services, from preliminary concepts to complete turnkey solutions. Whether you need a specific product or a complete system, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is unwavering.
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Product Test Report
Since venturing into the international market in 2006, the company's "BES" branded products have been sold to more than 100 countries. They have successfully obtained CE certification in compliance with EU standards, as well as ICC certification in the United States. Additionally, the company has obtained certifications for high-quality products, quality management systems, and green and environmentally friendly products.
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