
PRANCE Metalwork ist ein führender Hersteller von Decken- und Fassadensystemen aus Metall.

What are Ceiling Textures?

Ceiling textures refer to the decorative finishes and surface treatments applied to ceilings that enhance both the visual appeal and acoustic performance of a room. These textures can vary from smooth, flat surfaces to more elaborate patterns like popcorn, knockdown, or stipple finishes. They serve the dual purpose of adding depth and character to an interior while also concealing imperfections and irregularities in the underlying surface. In modern construction, ceiling textures are used to create a specific mood or style, whether it’s a contemporary, minimalist look or a more traditional, ornate design. Additionally, textured ceilings can improve sound absorption and diffusion, contributing to better acoustics in large or noisy spaces. Their versatility and affordability make them a popular choice for both new builds and renovations, providing a cost-effective way to elevate interior aesthetics.

Welche Probleme sind mit Stuckdecken verbunden, die eine Entfernung erforderlich machen?
Wie wird eine T-Träger-Decke installiert?
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