
PRANCE Metalwork ist ein führender Hersteller von Decken- und Fassadensystemen aus Metall.

What structural support is needed for installing aluminum facades?

Installing aluminum facades requires a well-designed structural support system to ensure the panels are securely attached and perform optimally. Typically, a steel or aluminum substructure is used to create a stable framework that supports the weight of the panels while accommodating wind loads, thermal expansion, and other dynamic forces. The support system must be engineered to meet building codes and tailored to the specific design and environmental conditions of the project. Proper anchoring and spacing are critical to prevent sagging or warping over time. Our aluminum facade systems are designed to work seamlessly with these support structures, ensuring a durable and energy-efficient building envelope. Additionally, integrating these facades with our advanced Aluminum Ceiling systems further enhances the overall structural integrity and aesthetic appeal, resulting in a cohesive, modern architectural solution that withstands the test of time.

What structural support is needed for installing aluminum facades? 1

Sind Wandverkleidungsplatten sowohl für Neubau- als auch für Renovierungsprojekte geeignet?
What is the typical lifespan of aluminum cladding panels in extreme climates?
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