
PRANCE metalwork es un fabricante líder de sistemas metálicos para techos y fachadas.


What is a Gypsum Board Ceiling?

A gypsum board ceiling is an interior ceiling system constructed from gypsum panels that deliver a smooth, elegant finish to any room. Praised for its lightweight composition and excellent fire-resistant qualities, it is widely used in both residential and commercial projects—including prefab constructions. The panels are easily customizable; they can be painted or finished in various textures to suit different design themes. Moreover, gypsum board ceilings contribute to improved acoustics and help conceal wiring or ductwork when paired with integrated lighting systems. Their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation make them a popular choice for modern builders and homeowners. With proper installation and maintenance, they provide long-term durability and support sustainable building practices, ultimately creating comfortable, energy-efficient spaces with a refined aesthetic appeal.

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