
PRANCE metalwork ni mtengenezaji anayeongoza wa dari ya chuma na mifumo ya facade.

What are the planks on the ceiling called?

Ceiling planks, often referred to simply as “ceiling planks” or “clapboard panels,” are used to create a textured and visually engaging ceiling design. Traditionally made of wood, these planks add warmth and character to a space. However, modern construction has seen the rise of aluminum plank ceilings, which offer the same aesthetic appeal while delivering enhanced durability and lower maintenance. Our Aluminum Ceiling systems feature custom-designed planks that mimic the natural look of wood but are engineered for resistance to moisture, warping, and fire. These planks also contribute to improved acoustics and thermal insulation, making them a practical choice for both residential and commercial settings. With a focus on longevity and style, our aluminum-based plank solutions work in harmony with our Aluminum Facade designs to create a cohesive, contemporary interior.

What are the planks on the ceiling called? 1
Kabla ya hapo
Are plank ceilings expensive?
What are the disadvantages of metal ceilings?
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