
PRANCE metalwork ni mtengenezaji anayeongoza wa dari ya chuma na mifumo ya facade.

What is the difference between calcium silicate board and magnesium oxide board?

What is the difference between calcium silicate board and magnesium oxide board? 1

Both calcium silicate boards and magnesium oxide boards are widely recognized for their durability and fire-resistant properties, but they differ in composition, performance, and application. Calcium silicate boards are made from a blend of silica, lime, and reinforcing fibers, which provides them with excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, along with high fire resistance. Magnesium oxide boards, however, are produced from magnesium oxide and other additives, resulting in a product that is not only fire-resistant but also highly resistant to moisture and mold.

For architects focused on modern design, such as in aluminum ceiling and facade installations, these differences become important. Our aluminum solutions offer a distinctive, contemporary look combined with longevity and low maintenance, while the choice between calcium silicate and magnesium oxide boards may depend on specific performance requirements. In environments where moisture resistance is paramount, magnesium oxide might be preferred; however, for areas emphasizing thermal and acoustic control, calcium silicate boards offer significant benefits.

Understanding these differences allows designers to tailor material selections to the unique needs of each project. By considering the inherent properties of each board type alongside the refined aesthetics of aluminum ceilings and facades, building professionals can create structures that are both functionally robust and visually striking.

Kabla ya hapo
What is the fire resistance rating of calcium silicate boards?
What are the thermal insulation properties of calcium silicate boards?
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