
PRANCE Metalwork est l'un des principaux fabricants de systèmes de plafonds et de façades métalliques.


what is facades?

“Facades” is the plural form of “facade,” referring to the various exterior faces of a building or multiple buildings. These surfaces are crucial in defining the architectural style and performance of a structure. Facades serve as the building’s outer skin, providing protection from weather conditions and contributing to energy efficiency through insulation and thermal regulation. Our Aluminum Facade systems are designed to deliver high durability, minimal maintenance, and a modern aesthetic that stands out in any urban environment. They can be customized with different textures and finishes to match the design intent of the project. When combined with our Aluminum Ceiling solutions, facades help create a cohesive architectural expression that is both functional and visually striking. This dual approach not only enhances the building’s performance but also elevates its overall appearance and market value.

what is facades? 1

What is the difference between aluminum facades and aluminum wall cladding?
What is Facade?1
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Des solutions parfaites sur mesure pour votre plafond métallique & projets de murs. Obtenez une solution complète pour un plafond métallique personnalisé & projets de murs. Bénéficiez d'une assistance technique pour le plafond métallique & conception de mur, installation & correction.
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