
PRANCE төмөр хийц нь металл тааз, фасадны системийн тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч юм.


What is the difference between a curtain wall and a glass facade?

Though curtain walls and glass facades both employ extensive glass elements, they differ fundamentally in design and function. A curtain wall is a non-structural cladding system attached to the building’s exterior; it primarily serves as a weather barrier without bearing any structural loads. Our aluminum systems used in curtain walls provide a lightweight yet durable framework that supports large glass panels while offering excellent insulation and resistance to environmental forces.

What is the difference between a curtain wall and a glass facade? 1

Conversely, a glass facade often functions as both an aesthetic and structural element, integrating glass panels directly into the building’s design. This system leverages advanced aluminum profiles that support expansive glass surfaces, creating a seamless, modern look that enhances natural lighting and energy performance. While both systems aim to maximize visual impact and functionality, the choice between them depends on structural requirements and design objectives. Our expertise in aluminum ceilings and facades allows us to tailor the ideal solution to meet project-specific needs, ensuring an optimal blend of form, function, and performance in every installation.

What safety measures are taken for glass facade installations?
What coatings or treatments can be applied to glass facades for UV protection?
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