
PRANCE төмөр хийц нь металл тааз, фасадны системийн тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч юм.


What is the standard thickness of your aluminum wall cladding panels?

The standard thickness of our aluminum wall cladding panels typically ranges between 2mm and 3mm. This thickness is carefully selected to balance durability, weight, and aesthetic appeal, ensuring the panels perform well under various environmental conditions. The chosen thickness provides the necessary structural integrity for both exterior facades and interior applications while allowing for effective thermal performance when integrated with insulation layers. Our aluminum panels are engineered to deliver excellent resistance to wind loads, impact, and corrosion. When combined with our innovative Aluminum Ceiling solutions, they contribute to a cohesive and energy-efficient building envelope. Custom thickness options may also be available based on specific project requirements, ensuring that every application meets the rigorous standards of modern construction and design. This standardization supports consistency in appearance, installation ease, and long-term performance.

What is the standard thickness of your aluminum wall cladding panels? 1

What is the typical lifespan of aluminum cladding panels in extreme climates?
What is the fire resistance rating of your aluminum wall cladding products?
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