
PRANCE төмөр хийц нь металл тааз, фасадны системийн тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч юм.


What surface finishes are available for aluminum facades?

Our aluminum facades are available in a wide array of surface finishes to suit diverse architectural styles and performance needs. Options include brushed, anodized, powder-coated, and mirror-finish surfaces. Brushed finishes offer a subtle, textured look that minimizes the appearance of fingerprints and minor blemishes. Anodized finishes enhance corrosion resistance and provide a uniform, matte appearance. Powder-coated surfaces deliver vibrant color options along with additional protection against weathering and UV exposure. Mirror-finish panels provide a reflective, high-gloss aesthetic that can dramatically enhance a building’s visual appeal. Each finish is carefully engineered to complement our Aluminum Ceiling systems, ensuring a cohesive design throughout the building envelope. These surface treatments not only elevate the aesthetics of the facade but also contribute to improved durability, energy efficiency, and low maintenance, making them an ideal choice for modern, sustainable architecture.

What surface finishes are available for aluminum facades? 1

Are aluminum facade panels eco-friendly and recyclable?
What are the main types of aluminum facade panels you manufacture?
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