
PRANCE metalwork metal tavan və fasad sistemlərinin aparıcı istehsalçısıdır.

Mikro performan panel

Mikro performan panel

Prance Mesh Panel is a metal panel with a mesh pattern, which is widely used in architecture and interior design. They are made of materials such as aluminum, stainless steel and brass and are available in a variety of surface treatments and colors.

Metal Mesh Panel is lightweight, high-strength and beautiful, suitable for aluminum ceiling and metal mesh decoration. As a professional custom mesh panels manufacturer, Prance's strong customization ability can adjust the size, shape and pattern according to design requirements, providing excellent decorative effects and structural performance.

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Mikro perforasiya edilmiş panel tətbiqi vitrin

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Mikro perforasiya edilmiş panel təfərrüatı

custom metal mesh panel - Sleek and Functional
Mikro perforasiya edilmiş panellər, hər hansı bir memarlıq üslubunu tamamlayan vahid, hamar səthlərlə əla səs-küy əmnizliyi təklif edir. İsteğe bağlı Honeycomb dəstək, deformasiyanın qarşısını alan güc və akustik performans artırır. İkiqat təbəqə perforasiya edilmiş dizayn, bu panelləri müasir binalar üçün həm estetik cəhətdən xoş və yüksək funksional hala gətirərək havalandırma və istilik dağılmasını daha da yaxşılaşdırır
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Səs-küy udma
Mikro məsaməli quruluşu təsirli bir səs çıxarır
Hamar Səth
Uniformalı məsamələr bina tərzi və dekorasiya gücləndirir
Honeycomb dəstək
Honeycomb lövhəsinin dəstəyi səs udma və gücünü artırır
Təkmilləşdirilmiş havalandırma
İkili təbəqə perforasiya edilmiş plaka hava axını və istilik dağılmasını yaxşılaşdırır
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Metal Mesh Panel Finishes Customization

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The finishes showcased here represent just a fraction of what we offer. At PRANCE custom mesh panels company, our array of surface treatments extends well beyond these examples, encompassing advanced techniques like electroplating, powder coating, and hydrographic prints, among others. These options are designed to meet diverse environmental and aesthetic requirements. Explore our full range of innovative surface finishes by clicking button below, and let us help tailor the perfect aesthetic for your project.

PRANCE catalog Download

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Metal Mesh Panel FAQ

What are the standard and customizable sizes available for Metal Mesh Panels?
Metal Mesh Panels are available in customizable dimensions. The width and length can be adjusted according to specific project requirements. The panels can be designed to suit various architectural needs with options for different mesh patterns and thicknesses to accommodate varying aesthetic and structural demands.
Which types of projects are most suitable for Metal Mesh Panel systems?
Metal Mesh Panels are ideal for large, open spaces such as commercial buildings, airports, train stations, and shopping malls. They are also well-suited for public spaces, office buildings, and cultural facilities, where a blend of durability and visual appeal is essential. The panels are particularly effective in environments that require ventilation or visibility through the ceiling or walls.
How does the surface finish affect the maintenance and longevity of Metal Mesh Panels?
Surface finishes like powder coating, anodizing, and PVDF offer protection against environmental factors such as corrosion and dust. These finishes not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the metal mesh panels but also reduce the frequency and cost of maintenance by making the panels resistant to wear and easier to clean.
Can Metal Mesh Panels be used for acoustic purposes or to improve ventilation?
Yes, Metal Mesh Panels can be designed to improve both acoustics and ventilation in a space. The open structure of the mesh allows for natural airflow, while specific configurations can help diffuse sound, making these panels a versatile solution for spaces where noise control and air circulation are important.
What are the advantages of choosing Metal Mesh Panels for modern construction?
Metal Mesh Panels are lightweight yet highly durable, providing resistance to moisture and corrosion. They offer significant design flexibility with a range of materials like aluminum, stainless steel, and more. These panels are easy to install, making them suitable for large-scale modern architectural projects, and they are often chosen for their ability to create striking visual effects while maintaining functionality.
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Mikro performan panel
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