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What is the difference between aluminum facades and aluminum wall cladding?

The primary difference between aluminum facades and aluminum wall cladding lies in their design purpose and application. Aluminum facades are engineered as comprehensive building envelopes, focusing on durability, thermal performance, and aesthetic impact. They are designed to protect the entire exterior while enhancing energy efficiency and overall building performance. On the other hand, aluminum wall cladding typically refers to a system that is applied to the exterior walls of a building as a decorative or protective layer. While both products use aluminum for its strength, corrosion resistance, and low maintenance, facades often incorporate advanced technologies such as integrated insulation and drainage systems, offering a more robust solution for modern construction. Our products are developed with these distinctions in mind, ensuring that whether you choose our Aluminum Facade systems or wall cladding, you receive a high-quality, energy-efficient solution that complements our innovative Aluminum Ceiling designs.

What is the difference between aluminum facades and aluminum wall cladding? 1

what is the facade?
what is facades?
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