
PRANCE төмөр хийц нь металл тааз, фасадны системийн тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч юм.


What is the fire resistance rating of your aluminum wall cladding products?

Our aluminum wall cladding products are designed with stringent fire safety standards in mind. Although aluminum itself is non-combustible, the overall fire resistance rating of the cladding system depends on additional factors such as insulation, coatings, and installation methods. Our systems are tested and certified to meet or exceed industry fire safety standards, ensuring they provide effective fire resistance and retardation. This is particularly important in modern construction where building codes demand high levels of safety and performance. When combined with our innovative Aluminum Ceiling solutions, the complete building envelope not only delivers a modern aesthetic but also ensures superior fire protection. By integrating high-quality materials and advanced fire-resistant coatings, our aluminum cladding products help to minimize fire spread, protect building occupants, and reduce overall risk, offering a reliable and secure solution for contemporary architectural projects.

What is the fire resistance rating of your aluminum wall cladding products? 1

What is the standard thickness of your aluminum wall cladding panels?
What are the acoustic properties of your aluminum wall cladding panels?
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