In 1960, a young artisan named Run Huo embarked on his journey in the realm of metal craftsmanship in a small town in Foshan, Guangdong, China. This town was renowned for its rich tradition in metal craftsmanship, and the Huo family were the guardians of this tradition.
Run Huo's grandfather was the first-generation metal craftsman of the town, earning respect for his unique skills and innovative designs. Run Huo's father inherited his grandfather's skills and took them to greater heights. He not only preserved the family's craft, but also infused modern elements, creating a series of breathtaking metal artworks
Throughout their entrepreneurial journey, innovation and breakthroughs remained pillars of their values. Unsatisfied with limiting traditions, they dared to challenge difficulties and continuously sought new designs, materials, and techniques. Their efforts were not only evident in the beauty of their metal artworks, but also in the seamless integration of traditional metal craftsmanship with the demands of modern architecture, creating boundless possibilities.
Through inheritance and innovation, PRANCE Metalwork Building Material not only brought beauty and utility to global architecture and interior design, but also conveyed the precious values of respecting tradition and pursuing innovation. Their story encapsulated reverence for tradition, commitment to innovation, and the power of overcoming challenges. The brand's development vividly illustrated the harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity, and the positive impact of innovation and breakthroughs on society and culture. Through their endeavors, they didn't just create beauty; they injected vitality and positivity into society, becoming trailblazers towards a future of progress.